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6teen reviews

Here I'll write reviews of each episode of my favorite show. If the show has been on for a while, I might also include annotated descriptions of past episodes on this page.

Here's an example of a format I might use for my show reviews.

"idol at the mall"
Air date: ??/?/2004

Star Contest is searching for singers so Wyatt want his friends to sign up they know they suck but it gives Wyatt a better chance at wining and guess what he did then he had this big gig to play and got his friend front row tickets but then when he had to play his song his friend weren't there so he chance the lyics and made them some like the worse people ever but Wyatt realies that friends are more inportant then fame so when he play his next gig his friends came and sang the good verson about his friends

This is my favouite episode because I like the tune of the song(which you should be able to find) plus friends are really inportant don't ever forget it!

Grade (on a scale of 10): 10

Favorite Episode

well if you look right beside this it will tell this is my favouite episode